Research Seminar and Communication Project

Ficha de unidade curricular - Ano letivo 2020/2021

Code: CS30025
Acronym: SIPC
Section/Department: Communication and Language Sciences
Semester/Trimester: 1st Semester
Acronym Curricular Years ECTS
CS 6
Teaching weeks: 15
Weekly workload:
Hours/week T TP P PL L TC E OT OT/PL TPL O S
Type of classes
Head: Ana Maria Pires Pessoa
Lectures: Ana Maria Pires Pessoa
Maria Alcina Velho Dourado da Silva

Teaching language


Intended learning outcomes (Knowledges, skills and competencies to be developed by the students)





Demonstration of the teaching methodologies coherence with the curricular unit's intended learning outcomes

This year the CU has as it has been the last 4 years, a group of research activities that lead each student to investigate some subjects suggested by the two team professors.
This year the subjects are: two groups are studying environment issues (both study cigarette butts recovery, in a project lead by professor helena Simões); gender issues (2 groups one of them in relation with the Campaign against Sexism from the Council of Europe; and the other about sexism in social media); two groups about digital communication (one about the digital communication from the Child Support Institut and the other to study it in Instagram); another project is about citizenship in University and Polittechnic Institutes, related to the way students act in the ruling organs where they can be part of.
At the final of the academic year, both teachers share their work with their pairs in the National Congress on Pedagogical (CNaPPES)

Assement and Attendance registers

Description Type Tempo (horas) End Date
Attendance (estimated)  Classes  0
  Total: 0


Bibliografia complementar a ser fornecida em sede de sessão presencial.
Albarello, L., Digneffe, F., Hiernaux, J.-P., Maroy, C., Ruquoy, D., & Saint-Georges, P. de. (1997). Práticas e métodos de investigação em Ciências Sociais. Lisboa: Gradiva.
Amado, J. (2014). Manual de investigação qualitativa em Educação. Coimbra: Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra. Retrieved fromção_qualitativa_em_educação
Bell, J. (1997). Como realizar um projecto de investigação. Gradiva.
Coutinho, C. P. (2011). Metodologia de investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas: teoria e prática. Porto: Almedina.
Hennessy, B. (2002). Writing an essay: simple techniques to transform your corsework and examinations. Oxford: How to Book.
Manguel, A. (2020). Ler imagens: Em que pensamos quando olhamos para arte. Lisboa: Ed. 70.
Morris, D. (2020). Poses: Linguagem corporal na arte. Lisboa: Bizâncio.
Pádua, E. (2000). Metodologias da pesquisa: abordagem teórico-prática (6th ed.). Campinas S.P. (Brasil): Papirus Editora.
Schwabish, J. (2017). Better presentations: a Guide for scholars, researchers and wonks. New York: Columbia University Press.
Sousa, M. J., & Baptista, C. S. (2011). Como fazer investigação, dissertações, teses e relatórios. Lisboa: Pactor.

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